预订联系:【130-1633-6990 黄经理】【微信/企鹅号咨询:996689938】
消费状况:优惠折扣★★★★★★★★★☆ 9
客入户碑:赞不绝口★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 7
音响效果:优美动听★★★★★★★★★☆ 9
装修设计:独特新颖★★★★★★★★★☆ 9
服务态度:温馨体贴★★★★★★★★★☆ 9
环境氛围:典雅舒适★★★★★★★★★☆ 9
地段位置:交通便利★★★★★★★★★☆ 9
停车位置:宽阔诺大★★★★★★★★★☆ 9
适合用途:朋友聚会 商务宴请 蹦迪跳舞 夜总会
具体描述:The luxurious KTV rooms, computer VOD system, a full set of advanced, high-quality audio equipment, is your ideal place to dominate the singing. The multi-function song and dance hall, with a light equipment, three-dimensional sound effect, thoughtful service level, make you refreshing. This is the romantic harbor of lovers' leisure and entertainment. Have K room, first-class environment, the lobby is spacious, with Cara OK, disco and other entertainment, entertainment is the main destination of young people. Have K room, first-class environment, the lobby is spacious, with Cara OK, disco and other entertainment, entertainment is the main destination of young people.
内有超大免费停车场,东侧入口两部观光电梯直达。 大厅简洁明快,等候区配有上网专区;V-MAX拥有专业录音棚,内有专业化级录音设备,任您完美展现个人美妙声线。舞台级架构包间,风格各异,全场采用42寸超大等离子平板电视,包间内均配备专业舞台炫彩灯光及12寸超重低音,PARTY及VIP包间内有干冰喷雾、个人演唱台,让您享受一曲成名的明星般感受。豪华贵宾及总统包间,增设无线麦克风,内置激光水纹灯效,舞池宽敞,完全满足高档商务聚会需要。
长沙江南会KTV商务会所好玩不 有没有游戏
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